Jun 17, 2020
The company is focused on three long-term priorities - Innovation, Performance, and Trust - underpinned by their ambition to build a more purpose & performance driven culture, aligned to their values. 40 new medicines & 17 new vaccines in 2020. More than $0.5 billion turnovers in 2020 Market leader in dermatology and vaccines in the private segment.
Key Benefits
A single point of contact for all the training needs.
Faster decision making.
Access to a vast network of vendors.
Compliant with "No Advance” policy.
Round-the-clock support.
Contact with limited training providers and thus, access to a restricted number of learning solutions for their teams. The LSO and procurement teams were going through the tedious & lengthy process of search, negotiation, finalization, contract signing, vendor management, and process tracking. No policy for paying advances to the vendors, but most vendors seek advance payment
Single point contact for all the training-related necessities by OT Marketplace.
Outreach to a vast network of solution providers and 5000+ learning solutions.
From the search for the right training to vendor selection, trainer onboarding, finalization, contracts, vendor management, and participant analytics, are handled by OT Marketplace.
A customized approval flow that accounts for all the stakeholders involved in MD.
Round-the-clock assistance for any operational, training process, or trainer-related issues
Within 3 months of adopting the OT platform:
Booking time reduced by
Savings on the cost of training programs
Average feedback: